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Understanding of People
and Their Needs



When science meets architecture unique environments are created.
We know from the scientific evidence that spaces have the potential to improve
wellbeing, enhance mood, inspire, heal the mind and the body.
Scientific insights aid creation of spaces that nourish people
and are tailored to their needs.
People at the center of your ESG strategy and conscious design:
Neuroscientific insights support design decisions, which are usually based on experience and intuition.
Science brings insights on how humans think, feel, act and interact with environments.
It shifts focus from aesthetics towards multi-sensory and embodied experience of architecture.
Neuroscience research helps to consider characteristics of a specific population we design for, i.e. children, elderly, neurodiverse people, aiding their wellbeing.
Scientific tools enable quantification of human experience improving efficiency and efficacy of design process.
Science brings increased control over design process and its outcomes. 
Immagine 2024-09-03 161203.png
Restorative corridor in the Arup office in Warsaw
Project by Workplace & IMPRONTA

Photo by Adam Grzesik
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